Animal Jewelry for Valentine’s Day

Posted by SEO Werkz on Tue, Feb 02, 21

Valentine's Day is a bright spot right smack in the middle of a dreary winter, and there's no better gift for your loved one to commemorate this time than an animal necklace, animal ring or adorable collectible. Camp Hollow's selection of tiny, whimsical animal figurines is more than just delightful — these creatures inspire creativity, imagination and magical thinking.

Animal Rings for V-Day

Rings are an especially appropriate gift for a loved one, whether that be your spouse, significant other, child, parent, friend or anyone. Camp Hollow artists have created several animal rings — amazing representations of these beloved creatures posed to eternally hug your finger.

If we were typical jewelry makers, you would expect our animal rings to be snakes or lizards. But we are Camp Hollow, so our animal rings are pangolins, sloths, otters and possums.

Sloths are most frequently found hanging upside down from tree branches. Our sloth rings cling to your finger the same way. Feeling safe and secure, they may just doze off. Possums, nocturnal creatures also spotted hanging from tree branches by day, would definitely feel left out if we didn't create a possum ring as well.

The pangolin, a type of Asian anteater about the size of a house cat and covered in scales, is not usually included on the list of animals generally considered to be cuddly. But why not? We all need love. Our pangolin ring hugs your finger tightly.

The enchanting otter is often pictured floating on his back, relaxing and proudly showing off his impressive whiskers. We convinced a number of otters to give up their homes on the river to become Camp Hollow otter rings, with the promise that they would be loved, treasured and worn daily by recipients.

Animal Necklaces for Valentine's Day

Our artists also create a number of animal necklaces at Camp Hollow, perfect for Valentine's Day gift-giving.

Choose a corresponding animal necklace to go with your ring choice for a perfect gift set. The subject of our otter necklace is cradling its favorite dinner — fresh mollusk. Select a sloth necklace with this tiny animal clinging eternally to at 24-karat gold chain, or a sloth necklace in a different pose — sitting with his long arms crossed. You'll love the possum snoozing happily on our possum necklace, hanging upside down by his tail. The pangolin on our pangolin necklace hangs blissfully upside down as well, enjoying the ride.

Other lovely animal necklaces include a teddy bear — the perfect snuggly lifetime companion, and a white dove, the eternal symbol of love and devotion. Or consider a cake topper, available in many varieties, including sloth and otter.

Animal Figurines from Camp Hollow

We create each of our animal figurines with love and joy, and we look forward to the day our special creations are purchased and sent to live with someone who will love and appreciate them as much as we do. Make an animal happy, and order from Camp Hollow today.


